Your goal is to add health to your life style we are here to help. You want your body to be healthy and this can be done with sleep, diet and life style. The choices we make during the day can make the difference and give you a health balanced life style.
We have come up with some recipes that will become part of our blogs in the future to give you the reader added benefits and so you can add them to your life style.
Please welcome the first of our recipes
Healthy Pancakes
These pancakes don't just taste great they add balance to your diet. If you add fruit then this will boost health and prevent disease.
These pancakes are fast and easy to make. It gives you extra time to concentrate on other healthy life style activities.
120g/4½oz wholemeal plain flour
1 x Egg
Half a pint of skimmed Milk
A table spoon of olive oil
1 table spoon of low calorie yogurt
Mixed Fruit
Here we go
Beat your egg first with the milk and olive oil add your whole meal plain flour to the mix bit by bit. Stir this mixture into a batter for a few minuets. You should let this stand for 20 mins before going at it again.
Get your pan out and heat it with a small amount of olive oil to stop the pancakes from sticking. Pour in the mix and leave it to heat for about 2 mins. If your cool then flip the bad boy just make sure it's brownish on the side.
Tip. - you will want to keep your pancakes warm while you are making the others for your family feast. This should make 4 plates so if your well sorted. Just add the yogurt and mixed fruit, syrup and enjoy
We have other recipes for a healthier life style check out the
Healthy Salmon And Spinach Recipe | Healthy Life Style Healthy Sleep