Just because the kids are trapped in there homes this Halloween doesn't mean you can't have fun. In fact this could be the best one yet get the bedroom right and the Halloween night could be the ultimate.
For the children there costumes are just the start of the adventure and excitement make the whole experience one to remember. Buying black beds and some new black bed side tables might be just the answer to create the mood for ghosts and witches.
Stay Up Late
Nothing say's Halloween than a late night and a story before bed time. Add some pumpkins to the decor with orange in the bedroom working a treat. Get the right book to read before the little ones drift off to dream land don't scare them too much. Tuck them up in a high sleeper and add some cobwebs for effect.
Breakfast Of Champions
Make sure you get them started on the right foot as the nights going to be filled with sweets and cakes. Around the breakfast table you should be adding fruits and porridge. Getting them out of there blue and pink beds early as the day is going to be long might be tricky. Try some low music or stick the TV on there's usually lot's of cartoons dedicated to celebration.
Picking Them Up From School
This is a time to pop to the coffee shop the get the party started. Costa Coffee these days are going to have a special on as they take seasons seriously there. If it's dark out side walking home could be fun pick them up and go for a stroll.
Pumpkins and Apples
At Halloween apple bobbing is a game that's going to make it fun for the kids. Even the adults can get involved in this one all you ned is a bucket, water and loads of apples.
Carving the pumpkin and lighting the candle creates a special mood in the home. Take your time with that shape knife a good way is to trace the pattern first on some paper then use a fork for the out line.